
LANVÈRT is a law firm specialising in e-commerce, the legal advice we provide on e-commerce is becoming increasingly relevant for all companies trading in the online environment.

This is because economic activity on the Internet is affected by extensive and constantly changing legislation.

The Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) requires companies carrying out electronic commerce from their websites to comply with various obligations. It is therefore necessary to know and take advantage of this legislation or to have the support of professionals who know these obligations to perfection, such as the ecommerce lawyers of our firm, specialised in e-commerce.

The online presence of more and more natural and legal persons, as well as the presence of both websites and social networks, means that many legal issues need to be addressed. These include procurement, Internet legislation, other consumer and user issues and distance selling.

Our lawyers specialising in digital law ensure that each of the elements are in place and that the purchasing procedures comply with the established legislation.

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